Safeguarding Team
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Miss G. Houghton, Deputy Headteacher
Miss A. Buckley – Student Services Safeguarding Lead
Mrs R. Evans – Safeguarding & SEND Administrator
Mrs J. Farrar – Student Counsellor
Ms Y. Oldham – Student & Family Support Worker
Student Counselling Service
From time to time life can feel like a challenge and you may need extra support. Our counsellor is here to listen and help.
We offer a Counselling Service to all students.
Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Responsibility
No child should suffer harm, either at home or at school. Everyone who works in or visits our academy has a responsibility to make sure that all our young people are safe.
Over half of the people who contact the NSPCC for advice have been worried about a child for more than a month. It could be nothing. But it could be something. Don’t wait until you’re certain. If you have any concerns please contact the academy.
Caring for our students and ensuring their safety is at the heart of everything we do here at The East Manchester Academy. Therefore, safeguarding our students is treated as the highest priority at all times. We have a dedicated Student Services Team to look after the welfare of our students and their families. The East Manchester Academy works tirelessly with other partners to support students, their families and our community through personalised packages of support.
Safeguarding Policies
Please visit our policies page for the most recent versions of our policy documents.
Online Safety
Working together between the Academy and parents/carers is essential if we are to raise awareness of eSafety. We encourage parents/carers to get involved with their child’s online world and discuss any issues they are having.
Learn more about Online Safety at TEMA.