
Curriculum Intent and Strategic Aims

At The East Manchester Academy we are extremely proud of the ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum we offer to all of our students. Our curriculum is underpinned by our academy vision ‘To ensure all students are equipped with the; knowledge, skills, abilities, attributes and qualifications to pursue a fulfilling career, contribute positively to their communities and be active global citizens.’ We are committed to providing students with the best life chances possible, irrespective of their background or starting point.

We deliver the most powerful knowledge to our students with the view to their development as global citizens able to make a positive contribution in the communities of the future. We want to empower our students to make decisions within an ever-changing world so they are able to lead successful and happy lives.

The curriculum itself places knowledge that is cumulative at its heart and support is provided to those students with special educational needs or disabilities to access the full range of curriculum subjects. The science of learning has underpinned our professional development programme, alongside domain and subject specific pedagogy ensuring staff continually improve their teaching ability and understanding of how students learn effectively.

Our ambitious curriculum is constructed to take account of the local context of the community the academy serves. This is evident within the contextualised personal development curriculum including a focus on knife crime, county lines and also within the TEMA offer which is based on a detailed evaluation of the experiences and cultural capital which will bridge gaps within our students’ experience. Both the ‘TEMA Offer’ and subject provision are underpinned by our REACH values and fully supported by our drive to provide the absolute best for our students. The two strands ensure the academic and personal development of all students.

Our approaches aim to inspire curiosity and creativity through engaging content and inclusive teaching with a focus on developing students as life-long learners. The content of our curriculum is based upon the most powerful knowledge within each subject which is then sequentially planned to build upon the prior knowledge and experience of our students. Additionally, classroom practice is built around the effective use of retrieval practice in order for students to remember knowledge over time. Finally, student language acquisition and fluency (both spoken and written) are prioritised by our teachers and students are afforded the opportunity to read for pleasure each day through our TEMA Reads Programme.

Our Curriculum:

  • is ambitious and both rich in academic rigour and student development
  • is designed to diminish gaps and reduce educational inequality
  • is appropriate and relevant to our students
  • is progressive, interleaved and sequenced to develop knowledge and understanding which provides deep, sustainable and valuable learning for all students
  • provides opportunities to develop levels of academic language and fluency across all curriculum areas
  • recognises the increasing importance of demands placed upon young people in order to keep them safe in a digital age
  • promotes opportunities across the curriculum for the development of good student health and wellbeing
  • provides a wide range of courses that challenge, engage and raise aspirations of our students
  • promotes learning across a wide range of contexts and experiences
  • promotes reading and the development of vocabulary knowledge as an explicit focus

Our aim, through our curriculum is to develop young people who can contribute positively to future communities:

  • who are not disadvantaged by the social context in which they live
  • who have the confidence, resilience and knowledge to stay mentally healthy
  • who have high expectations of self and an ambitious vision for their future
  • who have a work ethic in them achieving, and exceeding, their academic potential
  • who are happy and have a desire to pursue a healthy, active lifestyle
  • who are respectful, tolerant and empathetic towards the values and beliefs of others
  • who are self-aware and know their own strengths through reviewing and evaluating their progress
  • who are capable of making informed decisions and are aware of their rights and responsibilities

Reach Values

We show respect for all other people and recognise our common humanity.

We ensure all members of our community are treated equitably.

We expect the best from ourselves. We have ambition and will not let ourselves be limited.

We show empathy and kindness to others.

We are prepared to work hard to achieve our dreams.



Our curriculum offer seeks to promote a passion for English within all students at TEMA. The love of the subject is nurtured and will build on the vital foundations of reading, writing and speaking and listening that students have already laid at Key Stages 1 and 2.


Our mathematics curriculum is rooted in the belief that every student deserves to feel valued and included. We aim to create a learning environment where all students see themselves as capable mathematicians.


You can only change the world if you know how it works.

Digital Communications

We aim to enable our students to become effective users of technology, and expose them to the wide range of opportunities both locally and nationally for a digitally skilled workforce. We encourage them to establish positive working habits that will support them through school and beyond.

Humanities (Including RE)

Through Humanities subjects we will open students’ eyes to their global community, past, present and future, giving them the knowledge and skills to fully participate in the modern world.

Modern Foreign Languages

Developing a passion for languages which opens your mind and opens your world to new and exciting opportunities and experiences. We aim to build confident communicators ready to embrace the world and make a positive impact as active, global citizens.

Performing Arts (Including Music)

Our performing arts curriculum strives to make every child have an appreciation for the performing arts by inclusion, passion and opportunity. Our curriculum is dedicated to ensuring pupils’ develop socially, emotionally and skilfully in Performing Arts through both independent work and ensemble ...

Physical Education

We aim to give all students the desire and ability to be lifelong participants in physical activity.


Our Technologies curriculum allows pupils to build a substantive and essential body of knowledge across all Design and Technology specialisms, to allow them to have a broad understanding of the subject.


Home Learning

As part of our ambitious curriculum offer, we are passionate about embedding high academic expectations of and for pupils. Being prepared and equipped for school each day and completing home learning and independent study are an important part of this. At TEMA, staff are committed to supporting s...

Personal Development Overview

We recognise that the curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. We recognise that the curriculum is the entirety of learning opportunities offered to students both inside and outside the classroom.


At TEMA, we really value reading. We see reading as fundamental to student success now and in the future.

The TEMA Offer

At TEMA we believe that the curriculum is the sum total of everything that we hope students learn throughout their time with us.

Find Out More

For further information about our faculties/subjects please visit our Faculty pages directly. If you wish to learn more about our curriculum in general, please contact Miss L. Neukom, Deputy Headteacher:

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