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- Careers Advice

Miss Lonsdale
Assistant Headteacher – Student Support and Community Relations
Careers Team
The designated careers lead for The East Manchester Academy is: Miss Lonsdale.
To speak to someone about careers, please use the email address below or phone the main school number and ask for the Careers Team.
- Email: careers@temac.co.uk
- Phone: 0161 230 8039
The date of our next review of the information published here on our careers page is: June 2025.
For our latest CEIAG Policy please visit our policies page.
Careers Offer
The aim of our Careers Offer at The East Manchester Academy is to provide a comprehensive and ambitious careers programme where all students are provided with the opportunity to prepare for their transition into further education, training and the world of work. We intend to raise their aspirations, improve social mobility, develop employability skills and enhance knowledge of labour market information whilst providing them with the access to, and knowledge of, all career pathways. Students will experience a range of encounters tailored to their individual needs and circumstances which will include encounters of workplaces and employers, an insight into further and higher education establishments and opportunities for personal guidance. Careers education and the raising of students’ aspirations is a key priority for the academy and forms part of its development plan.
A key part of our vision is to facilitate face to face employer engagement for students as we believe the most useful information on careers is best delivered by people working in any given sector. Students benefit from seeing a wide range of role models and hearing about a wide range of life stories. We acknowledge that students’ career journeys will be complex and many may work in several careers in their lifetimes. Through our REACH values, we aim to promote the skills that all students will need to succeed as adults.
The East Manchester Academy has a statutory duty to adhere to the Careers Strategy and the Statutory Guidance published in January 2018 and is working towards achieving all of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Current Picture
Careers education is delivered to all students as part of a well-researched, planned and implemented personal development curriculum. Labour Market Information (LMI) is used to inform employer engagement opportunities, FE and HE partnerships and curriculum design. Students are also taught in the personal development how to navigate LMI themselves with a focus on qualification, income and growth sectors.
Careers is planned into the curriculum via events such as the Manchester Festival, Apprenticeships Week and National Careers Week. Emphasis for planning, organising and facilitating careers opportunities for students is centrally planned by the Careers Lead as well as being disseminated to subject teams to ensure that students have access to a broad range of voices. Relationships have been established with over 15 FE providers in the local area to facilitate subject based FE and HE engagement. All students visit an FE provider before the end of Year 10, these include providers of technical and vocational education, (The Manchester College, Connel Co-Op Sixth Form, Clarendon Sixth Form and Tameside College).
All faculties facilitate several employer engagement events as part of the school’s Manchester Festival. Employer engagement events are also delivered by faculties throughout the year. These are centrally tracked to ensure an equity of offer for all students. Employer Engagement is a fundamental part of the careers program. Relationships are established with several local employers which deliver regular programmes of events for students which may provide pipelines into employment, these include Pinsent Masons, Appleyard Lees and United Living.
Students’ needs are supported through a range of avenues including:
- Tailored support for students with SEND and EAL
- Mentoring and support for students at risk of NEET into Year 12
- Diversity and equality role model events with HE and employers
- Advocacy and brokering of opportunity for all students to ensure students’ post 16 pathways are achievable and secure
The number of students who become NEET after leaving the academy is reducing year on year with a 12% reduction in the past five years (since 2019). The reported NEET figure in January 2024 was 6.5% in comparison to a national figure of 5%.
How we Measure and Assess the Impact of our Careers Programme
- Destination measures
- Student, parent and staff voice
- Employer feedback
- Visiting partners
- Website analytical review
- External accreditation