The TEMA Offer ( Published: 12/11/2021)
The curriculum goes beyond that which is learned within a classroom and should include the opportunity to access a wide range of activities including the arts, culture and sport. We aim to build students’ cultural capital through systematic and planned exposure to enrichment activities. We use a definition of culture which celebrates and embraces the different backgrounds, heritage, language and traditions of all of our students.
We will equip all students with the skills, abilities, attributes and qualifications to pursue a fulfilling career, contribute positively to their communities and be active, global citizens.
We recognise that access to and participation in extra-curricular activities is an important part of building students’ soft skills and consequently an important building block in the foundations of social mobility. We have taken on board the recommendations of the Social Mobility Commission in having a designated co-ordinator of extra-curricular and enrichment activities. We acknowledge the evidence presented in the report that our students may have less access to opportunities than their peers and aim to actively bridge that participation gap. Furthermore, we recognise that access to learning outside of the traditional curriculum can be particularly supportive for students who are disengaged from school or dealing with trauma. We use detailed and objective knowledge of our students’ histories to plan and implement supportive interventions.