If your child is unable to attend the academy you must ring before 8.20am to inform us of the reason why. It is important that you phone on every day of absence so that we know your child will not be attending and you do not receive a text message asking about his or her whereabouts. Text messages are sent for safeguarding reasons. This ensures that you know your child has not registered at the academy. If you receive a text message please respond so that we know your child is safe.
Phone: 0161 230 8039 and press option 1
Regular and punctual attendance is critical if students are to benefit from the opportunities available to them and enjoy a successful and fulfilling school experience. For more information on attendance, leave of absence forms etc, please visit our Attendance page.
If any parent/carer would like a paper copy of any of the information published on this website please feel free to contact the school and we will arrange this for you.
An online questionnaire for you to give your view about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.