Parents and Carers

Welcome to the Parents and Carers section of our website, which aims to help you find everything you might need to support your child’s schooling, all in one central place.

Parents and Carers: My Child’s Safety

Hollie Guard – A FREE Personal Safety App

As the new school year starts and students are making their way to and from school (or if they are generally ‘out and about’ with friends) we would like to tell you about this great safety app called 'Hollie Guard'.

Online Safety at TEMA

Working together between the Academy and parents/carers is essential if we are to raise awareness of Online Safety. We encourage parents/carers to get involved with their child’s online world and discuss any issues they are having.


We are committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expect all staff, LAC members, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a constant vigilant and safe environment.

Requesting Information

If any parent/carer would like a paper copy of any of the information published on this website please feel free to contact the school and we will arrange this for you.

Parent View

An online questionnaire for you to give your view about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.

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One Education Reading Award Gold logo Manchester United Foundation logo Quality in Careers Standard logo Black History Month Diversity Champion logo Beacon School logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Healthy Schools Manchester 2017/18 Silver Award Secondary Geography Quality Mark 2018-21 School Games Gold Award 2017/2018 logo Association for Physical Education Full Rainbow Flag Award 2021 A Co-operative Trust School