Religious Education

In RE we support students to reason and debate whilst forming their own beliefs and opinions.

They are given experience of the diversity of beliefs in Manchester and the UK, as well as being given knowledge of global issues. They build empathy and tolerance which will allow them to interact with the global community. This will support them to be active members of society and become culturally sensitive employees and employers in the future.

Parents/carers have the right to ask that their child does not take part in Religious Education and collective acts of worship. This request needs to be made in writing to the school. Parents/carers are expected to provide alternative work for students for who this applies.

RE curriculum

Our curriculum covers the six major world religion and a range of alternative world views by exploring key enquiry questions. Students are also given the opportunity to share their own religious beliefs through Diversity Week and shared Iftar during Ramadan.

At GCSE, students study the AQA Religious Studies specification, with a focus on Christianity and Islam.

RE Learning Journey

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