
Our curriculum offer seeks to promote a passion for English within all students at TEMA. The love of the subject is nurtured and will build on the vital foundations of reading, writing and speaking and listening that students have already laid at Key Stages 1 and 2.

Head of Faculty

Mrs R Gorey (r.henry@temac.co.uk)


English encourages you to be interested, but also interesting.

It is through the challenge and high expectations of English that you will become resilient and ambitious learners. English will equip you with the knowledge you need to understand and communicate fluently in the world. It is through the knowledge of language and the power of words that we can understand and decode all aspects of Literature: plays, novels, speeches, poetry, and even local and global news. You will develop an empathy for and a knowledge of the wider world, seeing things from a different perspective and experiencing thoughts, emotions and journeys that will challenge your views.

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