Head of Faculty
Dr M Dewhurst (m.dewhurst@temac.co.uk)
Science Curriculum Intent
Science uses testable hypotheses to acquire, organise and revise knowledge of the natural world and this approach underpins our ambitious curriculum for students at TEMA. Our science curriculum nurtures scientifically literate citizens who have the knowledge and skills to formalise their curiosity into rigorous scientific thinking. We want students to make informed decisions that affect their futures and be active participants in global scientific discussions. Students will develop links between science and different subjects so that they are prepared to use their scientific knowledge in future careers, both in and out of science.
Curriculum Implementation
Using guidance from the Educational Endowment Fund (‘Improving Secondary Science’, 2018), the Gatsby Practical Guide and research-led pedagogical science (‘Rosenshine’s Principles in action’, 2019) we have created a curriculum that:
- Identifies powerful knowledge and builds this knowledge sequentially with careful consideration for where this knowledge leads next
- Uses expert models to elucidate scientific concepts
- Provides opportunities for daily, weekly and monthly review
- Incorporates regular low stakes formative assessment with personalised feedback tailored to individual student and class needs
- Identifies powerful language and provides regular opportunities to apply this language to new contexts
- Supplements taught content with practical science and demonstrations
- Explicitly links science to other academic disciplines and the wider world