Students engaged in the basketball-themed board game during the Power of 6 Project, July 2023

Students during the Power of 6 Project, July 2023

We show respect for all other people and recognise our common humanity.

We ensure all members of our community are treated equitably.

We expect the best from ourselves. We have ambition and will not let ourselves be limited.

We show empathy and kindness to others.

We are prepared to work hard to achieve our dreams.

Year 8 Students Deliver Project Management Workshop ( Published: 20/07/2023)

As part of the Comino Foundation’s Power of 6 Project, six Year 8 students designed a workshop with their Industry Mentor and Digital Project Manager, Rich Jones, and delivered it to over thirty students from other schools across Manchester.

The second phase of the Power of 6 Project ended with the delivery of a workshop on the theme ‘what it is like to be a digital project manager’. Over the course of term 2, students met regularly with their industry mentor to understand his role in order to design a workshop that would allow students from other schools to experience doing maths as a digital project manager.

Students designed a colourful, basketball-themed board game with a top trumps element for players to choose their basketball team. Players had to compare statistics to win matches, manage their team budget and ultimately try to win the basketball season.

Feedback from students was extremely positive, all six described this experience as more helpful than a traditional careers talk and several stated that their confidence had developed as a result of taking part in the project.

I was very impressed by the effort that everyone put in to such a valuable project. It reminded me of the determination, courage and maturity our young people possess, and the potential they have to make an impact in our communities. It was a true privilege to work with them: I hope they learned as much from me as I did from them.
Rich Jones, Digital Project Manager

I was blown away by what the students managed to design and produce for the workshop. They worked tirelessly at each project meeting and used their initiative to turn rough ideas into a playable, engaging game.
Miss Reeve, Project Lead

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